View Saved 3DMark 3DR File

I wanted to view some saved 3DMark06 files which have the .3dr extension. If you rename the file to have a .zip extension then you can unzip it to see 4 files. One of these is called Result.xml and contains all your scores. It’s a bit of a mess to look at though. An easier way to read your results is to run 3DMark and then right click a blank area of its main interface. One of the options is “Submit Saved Result” which when selected opens a file browser window. Navigate to your 3dr file and submit it. You’ll then be taken to the FutureMark ORB page with your results pretty printed. Happy viewing 😊

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  • john williams
    john williams

    Thanks David.
    I’ve been looking for a way to do that and everywhere I find sites trying to sell me registry scanner software.
    As you say, it’s a bit of a mess to look at but I don’t care. Thanks again, John

I’m gonna dance next to you, if you want to think we’re dancing together, go ahead!

— Commander Sheppard