Latest Windows 10 Skype Is Horrible!

I use Skype for work calls on a weekly basis.  Recently it nagged me into upgrading to the latest Windows 10 version that has been “rebuilt from the ground up”.  Straight away after installing and running it I realised they meant they had demolished it and let a cowboy builder do the reconstruction.  What a pile of shit!  Took 3 attempts to get it to load past the loading screen.  When it finally did connect I saw what a mess they made of a simple thing like the contacts list.  Instead of having a list of my actual contacts I now have a list of everybody that’s ever tried to contact me on Skype ordered by last activity.  So all those Chinese ladies that want to be my friend, all the Nigerian princes that need a load etc.  You have to click a contact button to get a popup and then another button on there to see who is online from my actual contacts list.  I can handle the extra clicks to do basic tasks but the two three big killers are (1) the interface looks horrible, both color variations of it (2) it keeps getting stuck on the loading screen and (3) it keeps being entirely unresponsive so I can see the contacts and messages but clicking on them does nothing.  They visually respond to the mouse event but don’t trigger the actual action.

Anyway, I gave it a week and now I’m done.  Downgrading is super easy.  Head to the Skype download page here.  Click the down arrow on the blue button labelled “Download Skype for Windows” and choose “Get Classic Skype”.  Download and run the installer.  It will replace the latest Windows 10 version and boom, you’re back in business.  I’ll keep an eye on reviews for new Skype versions but there will have to be some huge improvements before I upgrade it again.

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