Nines Years Of Nine Three Limited!

Today is a double celebration; my web development company Nine Three Limited celebrated it’s 9th year of business on May 1st 2018 and my shiny new personal website is finally live!  My personal site fell into disuse over the last few years as my life took a big downward turn and I didn’t feel like sharing those dark days with the world but I have been fighting hard to overcome the challenges and the latest part of that journey involves me looking for a new job and I figure nobody would want to hire a web dev whose personal website was so outdated! ?

The new site is fully responsive with a customised Bootstrap 4 layout.  I wrote a new WordPress plugin which uses the Node-Vibrant library to pick colors from the background images so I could have a dynamic theme engine which is something I’ve wanted to do for ages.  I’m very pleased with the result.  The theme selection is stored for one hour and then a new random one is picked.  You can also use the button in the bottom right to pick one sooner than that.  Another big change is that I have reworked the curriculum vitae page to separate my past “jobs” from my past “projects” as I found this was confusing recruiters.  I’ve covered a lot of work projects over the last 15 years but most of them have gone offline so now the new site is complete I can start going back over the projects and uploading screenshots for them. If you click on a project then it will expand so you can read more about it.  The data for each is fetched from the backend via Ajax so the initial page loads quickly and only spends time downloading the data for the projects you are interested in.

I still have to setup the old personal projects page for things like the Stargate Simulator and the Blade Runner Game Installer but those will come with time. Nothing has been lost, I just need to port them over to the new site format.  If you need any of the old projects before I have had time to put them live then drop a comment on this post and I’ll do what I can to help you out.

I am back.

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Forgive your enemies, but never forget their names.

— John F. Kennedy