Stop Contact Form 7 & reCaptcha JS/CSS From Loading On Every Page

Contact Form 7 is a WordPress plugin that allows you to add forms to pages. A downside to using it is that out of the box it adds the Contact Form 7 JavaScript and CSS to every page even if there is no contact form there. It does the same with the reCaptcha assets if you have that enabled. This results in unnecessary page bloat and adds the reCaptcha badge to the bottom right corner of every page. This is the code I have used to hide it:

 * Dequeue the Contact Form 7 and reCaptcha assets on pages without a contact form.
function restrict_contactform7_assets() {
    // Add/edit the page numbers to match your site.
    if(!is_page(10) && !is_page(240)) {
add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', 'restrict_contactform7_assets' );

You can get the page id number from the address bar when you open it for editing in the admin.

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